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Microcat XNL 20 liter

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ammonia oxidizing bioformula for wastewater treatment plants

MICROCAT®-XNL/XNC is a liquid suspension of preselected, adapted nitrosomonas and nitrobacter microbial strains for use in biological wastewater treatment plants receiving wastes containing ammonia.

- MICROCAT®-XNL is a non-refrigerated liquid.
- MICROCAT®-XNC is a refrigerated slurry concentrate

Under toxic and/or cold-weather conditions, the growth rate of natural nitrifying populations tends to slow appreciably, allowing ammonia to pass through the system.

MICROCAT®-XNL/XNC synergistically combines the capability of several natural ammonia-oxidizing microbial strains for reseeding nitrifying systems and enhancing performance under toxic, inhibitory or cold-weather conditions.

When used on a preventive maintenance basis, MICROCAT®-XNL/XNC can improve the consistency ofongoing nitrification and improve overall system performance.

MICROCAT®-XNL/XNC is formulated specifically for use by the chemical, food processing, petroleum refining, primary metals, textile and related industries and for use in municipal plants receiving wastes containing ammonia.


Appearance: Non-viscous, liquid suspension

Contents:  Specialized, preselected microorganisms

            XNL:   20 liter (19,06 kg) plasctic drums (unrefrigerated)
                        208,2 liter (211,36 kg) plasctic drums (unrefrigerated)

          XNC:                 4.55 kg plastic bottles (refrigerated)

Shelf Life: 2 years

Hazard Information:
Danger: Harmful if inhaled.
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