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Microcat XS 200 gr

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all-natural additive for septic systems

Increasing awareness of chemical toxicity has caused many locales to pass regulations against the use of such chemicals in drains, traps and septic systems MICROCAT®-XS can help.

Grease, fat, cellulose, and related materials tend to solidify and build up in septic systems. In addition, detergents and other household chemicals tend to reduce microbial breakdown activity. MICROCAT®-XS is formulated to accelerate the breakdown of materials that accumulate in septic systems and to alleviate the ill effects of household chemicals.

When used regularly, MICROCAT®-XS can save septic system and drain field maintenance dollars by minimizing system pump out and by freeing poorly flowing drain fields.

MICROCAT®-XS is a synergistic blend of preselected, adapted microorganisms for liquefying greases and fats and maintaining septic systems free of blockage.

MICROCAT®-XS also contains enzymes and additional synergistic ingredients for keeping septic systems in a high state of activity and drain fields clear and free-flowing.


Appearance:  Beige, fine powder

Contents: Preselected, adapted microorganisms, surfactants, buffers and enzymes

Packaging:  200gr.

Avaible packaging: 1 kg cardboard boxes containing 100 grams water-soluble bags, 11.3 Kg plastic pails, 100 Kg fiber drums

Shelf Life:  2 years

Hazard Information:
Danger: Causes serious eye irritation.Causes skin irritation.
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