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Microcat Bio Block

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BIO-BLOCK is soluble tablet with enzymes and biological degradable soaps for cleaning and deodorisation of urinals. It is formulated for easy cleaning and removal of scaling and other organic wastes that accumulates in uniranals and pipes and fittings.

BIO-BLOCK is freshly perfumed and prevents the formation of scaling.

Urinals in houses, restaurants, hospitals, schools, commercial buildings, shopping malls, etc. require regular maintenance to prevent bad odours and remove calcareous scaling.

BIO-BLOCK, when used on a regular basis, keeps your urinal free from bad odours and waste.

BIO-BLOCK’s unique combination of ingredients, one of which is enzymes, cleans and deodorises in a natural way and because the product is free from hazardous chemicals it is always save to use.

BIO-BLOCK contains no paradichlorobenzene and is for more than 95% biological degradable.

DIRECTION FOR USE: 1 tablet BIO-BLOCK per urinal is sufficient for about 2 weeks, depending on the frequency of urinal use.




Completely soluble  in water

Not completely soluble in water. Creates blockages when remains of the block accumulate in the drain

Eliminates the source of bad odours

Masking of the odour

Stops calcareous scaling


Does not eliminate scaling

Prevents clogging

Does not prevent clogging

Cleans the urinal

Does not clean

More than 95% biodegradable and contains no


Irritates the lungs and throat. Requires frequent and expensive interventions

Effective during a 15 day period at normal usage for urinal

Block disappears after several days.


Packaging: 1 kg with 20 gr tablets

Hazard Information:
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