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Dewan-20 T 5 kg

78.92 EUR
100.22 EUR

Active oxygenating disinfectant (200 gr tablets) for disinfection of private pools 50 mto the pool volume. For larger pools  for economic reasons we recommend the use of liquid active oxygen (DEWAN-35).

Before Dosing:

Before using the DEWAN-20 disinfectant, do the disinfection of the entire water circuit of the pool! ("Shock")

Mix 0.5 kg / 10 m3 ALGA-SOKK P granules in the water, previously approx. Dissolved in 10 l of water. Swirl the water to mix the drug.
(a) If the free active chlorine content of the pool water drops below 1 mg / l within 24 hours, treatment should be repeated.

(b) If the free active chlorine content of the pool water exceeds 1 mg / l after 24 hours:
- We can wait until the free active chlorine concentration drops to zero (1-2 days)
- The free active chlorine content is reduced to zero by the addition of CLASS NULLA calculated on the basis of the measured free active chlorine content.

Starting dose:

Start water treatment 150 ml / 10 m3 ALGI-CID Liquid Substituting Agent mixing into pool water and placing 2 DEWAN 20 T floating tablet dispensers.

Continuous dosing:

To ensure the desired disinfection effect, DEWAN-20 CONCENTRATION should be kept at a constant 8 mg / l value!
During the first two weeks of operation, the DEWAN-20 T concentration should be checked every two days. (Use DEWAN-20 / ph TESTER to measure).
If the DEWAN-20T concentration drops to half the prescribed value (4 mg / l), the dosage should be repeated.
Optionally, DEWAN-20 T should be administered once a week by placing the tablet in a floating dispenser. Concurrently with the tablet, 40 ml / 10 m3 for an indoor swimming pool, 60 ml / 10 m3 of ALGI-CID softener added in the outdoor pool.

Packaging: 1 kg & 5 kg

Hazard Information:
Danger: Causes severe skin burns and eye damage.Harmful if swallowed.
Algi-Cid 5 kg Algae growth inhibitor (liquid)
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Dewan-20 T 1 kg Active oxygenating disinfectant (200 gr tablets) for disinfection of private pools 50 m3 to the pool volume. For larger pools to treat the above active ingredient containing chlorine-free solid disinfectants for economic reasons it is recommended to use l
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