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Dinax Flocculant Gel

12.93 EUR
16.42 EUR

A gel tablet used in filtered, recirculated swimming-pools to clarify the water and prevent algae growth.

Easy to use, no measuring needed.
- It is very fast and effective.
- By the use of the gel-tablet algae growth reduces radically as it consumes up the phosphate needed for algae growth.
- Due to its flocculant impact, the filter can work more effectively, less vacuuming will be needed.
- The quantity of chemicals needed to maintain the pool reduces
- After placing it into the water, it starts to work immediately
- It dissolves in water within 24 hours if the recirculation pumps is working, there is an immediate, visible improvement of water quality.
- It can be used together with any chemicals.
- Effectively improves the transparency of water.
- 1 tablet is sufficient for 1 month in a pool as large as 60 m3-es!
- Your can use it when you leave the pool unattended for a short period or at winterization times!

- Before use, remove any algae and clean the pool. If there is too much algae in the water, check and adjust the pH, shock treat the water and add ALGI-CID
- Remove the gel-tablet from its plastic wrap and put it into the skimmer or pump basket. (1 tablet is enough for the flocculation of 60 m3 of water for a month. If you have smaller pool cut the tablet into 2 halves. Put back the unused part into its packaging so that it can preserve its gel status.)
- Backwash the fikter and start the circulation.
- 24 hours after placing the geltablet in, bacskwash the filter again.
- To maintain a crystal clear water, place a new geltablet in each month.
- Always use registered, good quality disinfectant together with the geltablet.

Store in cool, dry, non-freezing place, in its original packaging. Keep away from children.

1. Please remove all the remnants of the product from the pool surroundings as the product becomes very slippery after getting in touch with water and this means safety risk for the persons being around.
2. During the treatment and operation of the pool some mistakes can occur that cause algae-growth in spite of using the gel-block

OTH (National Public Health and Medical Officer Service) licence no.: KEF-8914-2/2015

For disinfection, we recommend:
DEWAN-7 -  chlorine-free disinfectant (liquid)
DEWAN-18 - chlorine-free disinfectant (liquid)
STABIL KLÓR - slowly dissolving, free active chlorine containing swimming-pool disinfectant.
DINAX KLORIN F - free active chlorine containing swimming-poll disinfectant (liquid)

for pH reduction we recommend:
DINAX MÍNUSZ P - pH-reducer (granules)
DINAX MÍNUSZ F - pH-reducer (liquid)

Hazard Information:
Dinax Minus F 25 kg pH- decreaser (liquid)
Net price: 13.75 EUR
Gross price: 17.47 EUR
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Dinax Minus P 5 kg pH-decreaser (granule)
Net price: 13.05 EUR
Gross price: 16.58 EUR
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Dewan-18 10 kg Chlorine-free disinfectant (liquid)
Net price: 16.71 EUR
Gross price: 21.23 EUR
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Stabile Chlorine 1 kg Gradually dissolving, free active chlorine-containing disinfectant (tablet)
Net price: 12.02 EUR
Gross price: 15.26 EUR
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Dinax Klorin F 25 kg free active chlorine-containing swimming-pool disinfectant (liquid)
Net price: 27.19 EUR
Gross price: 34.53 EUR
Read more
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