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Microcarbon Fluid 1,5 Diatomaceous 5 kg

65.12 EUR
82.71 EUR

Aqueous solution of activated carbon powder for professional users.

The product is used to reduce the chlorine content in diatomaceous earth filters. The use of the product is recommended to be started if the level of combined chlorine rises above 0.2 mg/l. (Frequency based on practice: every 3rd to 5th week)
The product mixed with diatomaceous earth is suitable for reducing the concentration of heavy metals, chlorine derivatives dissolved in the water.
MICROCARBON FLUID 1.5 contains activated carbon grains in aqueous solution with particle size equal to that of diatomaceous earth. Activated carbon in such form (mixed with diatomaceous earth) can be evenly applied onto the filter plates.
In swimming-pools treated with diatomaceous earth filter, in case of disinfection by chlorination, the level of combined chlorine can be reduced efficiently by using activated carbon. By this, the water replacement needed because of elevated levels of combined chlorine can be prevented.
The speed and degree of binding combined chlorine depends on the quantity of activated carbon dosed: the degree of binding combined chlorine can be varied between the maximum and minimum dose.
If the level of combined chlorine or other impurities lowers significantly, the use of the product can be suspended.
To measure combined chlorine, use DPD 3 tablets.

The product must be placed into the filter tank when the diatomaceous earth is replaced.
Minimum ratio: 1 pc. of 5 liter can (with 1.5 kg activated carbon powder) to each 25 kg of diatomaceous earth. (1:18 bulk ratio)
Maximum ratio: 8 pc. of 5 liter can (with 1.5 kg activated carbon powder) to each 13 kg of diatomaceous earth. (1:1 bulk ratio)

Shake well before use!

Store in a dry, cool place, in its closed container.
Shelf-life: 6 months

Available as:
5 kg can (non-returnable), which contains 1.5 kg of activated carbon mixed.

Hazard information:

Causes skin irritation.

Hazard Information:
Danger: Causes skin irritation.
FotoLovib DPD3 tablets for photometric measurement of combined chlorine.
Net price: 0.22 EUR
Gross price: 0.28 EUR
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