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Alga-Sokk WP 5 kg

39.66 EUR
50.37 EUR

swimming-pool disinfectant (tablet)

Chlorine-containing disinfectant for establishing the correct chemical concentration in the pool and for shock-treatment of algae-infected poolwater

The product contains 56% of chlorine.
For achieving the appropriate disinfecting impact, the following quantity must be added to the water on a daily basis: 1 pc. of 20 gr. tablet to each 10 m3 of poolwater.
Depending on the characteristics of usage and based on regular testing (0,3–0,8 mg/l free available chlorine) the dosed quantity must be adjusted. If you decide to use this product, replacement of 5% of the total poolwater quantity with fresh water every week is compulsory. For the best performance of the product, water pH should be between 7,2–7,4 pH.

-Chlorine/pH test-strips

OTH license no.: OTH 4147-3-2008

Available packaging sizes: 0,5; 1; 5 kg

Consult the safety instructions before using disinfectants. Before using a chemical always consult the product label and the instructions for use.

Hazard Information:
Danger: Warning! Do not use together with other products. May release dangerous gases (chlorine).Contact with acids liberates toxic gas.Very toxic to aquatic life with long lasting effects.May cause respiratory irritation.Causes serious eye irritation.Harmful if swallowed.
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