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The 3 fundamental steps of hot tub treatment

1. disinfection 

2. ph-adjustment 

3. testing

Product name When to use it? Quantity needed
ALGA-SOKK P 0,5 kg  for shock treatment 1 pc.
Chlorine/pH test strip for water quality checking 1 pc.
DINAX MINUS P 1 kg  for the adjustment of 
the correct pH level of the water
1 pc.
Blue Super Tabs WP  1kg for disinfection 1 pc.

Start-up and regular treatment of spa-pools  :
Clean your new spa-pool before use and get rid of all the pollutants that remained in the tubing system during the manufacturing process. This procedure is called shock-treatment. By this treatment you can reduce the chemical consumption during regular use. 
1. Fill-up your pool with water (no heating is needed)
2. Put 50 gr of ALGA-SOKK P to each m3 of water.
3. Move the water thoroughly by the jets, to perfectly distribute the chemical in the water.
4. Let the chemical work during 2 hours then drain the pool. 

Start-up and regular treatment of spa-pools:
Clean your new spa-pool before use and get rid of all the pollutants that remained in the tubing system during the manufacturing process. This procedure is called shock-treatment. By this treatment you can reduce the chemical consumption during regular use.

1. Fill-up your pool with water (no heating is needed)
2. Put 50 gr of ALGA-SOKK P to each m3 of water.
3. Move the water thoroughly by the jets, to perfectly distribute the chemical in the water. 4. Let the chemical work during 2 hours then drain the pool.


1.Check water pH by a test-strip!
2. Adjust water pH by adding DINAX MINUS P according to the dosing instructions on the product packaging.
3. Place 1 pc. of BLUE SUPER tablet into the water.

Regular treatment:
4. Check pH in every 3 to 4 days (if the pool performs well, you can reduce the number of checkings to 1 per week).
5. Check if there is enough chemical in the pool water (the ideal concentration of free active chlorine is between 0,3-1 mg/l, on the test-strip container we indicated the correct range by the word 'jó'-'good'.)
6. Add DINAX MINUS P and BLUE SUPER TABS WP into the water if it is needed according to the ckeckings.

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